Critical Mass
Critical Mass
Critical Mass is a behemoth bud (both in production and popularity) in the grow circles of Europe, with its classic pedigree of Afghani crossed with Skunk #1. This pungent and potent flower boasts high levels of THC and CBD, along with impressive entourage effects. The sweet aroma of Critical Mass is sugary bubblegum dipped in old-world hash, with a woody tang and skunk nuance. Inhale bright citrus flavors that are slightly spicy on the release with a pleasant fuel finish. Critical Mass inspires spacey effects in the mind and a sense of weightlessness in the body, making it extra nice for dancing or relaxing.
Critical Mass is a behemoth bud (both in production and popularity) in the grow circles of Europe, with its classic pedigree of Afghani crossed with Skunk #1. This pungent and potent flower boasts high levels of THC and CBD, along with impressive entourage effects. The sweet aroma of Critical Mass is sugary bubblegum dipped in old-world hash, with a woody tang and skunk nuance. Inhale bright citrus flavors that are slightly spicy on the release with a pleasant fuel finish. Critical Mass inspires spacey effects in the mind and a sense of weightlessness in the body, making it extra nice for dancing or relaxing.
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Humulene smells like earthy hops, with a woody and spicy flavor. It is commonly found in basil, coriander, and hops. Humulene can help with pain management.

Limonene is the second-most common terpene in nature and is abundant in citrus. The aroma and flavor is that of citrus fruit. This is a powerful terpene that can assist in depression with its uplifting and mood-enhancing qualities. Many studies confirm that limonene can also assist with anxiety and is an incredible antioxidant.

Caryophyllene smells and tastes like black pepper, which it is commonly found in, and musk. Caryophyllene acts as an aid for pain, sleep troubles, and anxiety, and also helps provide relief to those suffering from neurological disorders.
Top terpenes
Limonene is the second-most common terpene in nature and is abundant in citrus. The aroma and flavor is that of citrus fruit. This is a powerful terpene that can assist in depression with its uplifting and mood-enhancing qualities. Many studies confirm that limonene can also assist with anxiety and is an incredible antioxidant.
Humulene smells like earthy hops, with a woody and spicy flavor. It is commonly found in basil, coriander, and hops. Humulene can help with pain management.
Caryophyllene smells and tastes like black pepper, which it is commonly found in, and musk. Caryophyllene acts as an aid for pain, sleep troubles, and anxiety, and also helps provide relief to those suffering from neurological disorders.
Limonene is the second-most common terpene in nature and is abundant in citrus. The aroma and flavor is that of citrus fruit. This is a powerful terpene that can assist in depression with its uplifting and mood-enhancing qualities. Many studies confirm that limonene can also assist with anxiety and is an incredible antioxidant.
Humulene smells like earthy hops, with a woody and spicy flavor. It is commonly found in basil, coriander, and hops. Humulene can help with pain management.
Caryophyllene smells and tastes like black pepper, which it is commonly found in, and musk. Caryophyllene acts as an aid for pain, sleep troubles, and anxiety, and also helps provide relief to those suffering from neurological disorders.
Limonene is the second-most common terpene in nature and is abundant in citrus. The aroma and flavor is that of citrus fruit. This is a powerful terpene that can assist in depression with its uplifting and mood-enhancing qualities. Many studies confirm that limonene can also assist with anxiety and is an incredible antioxidant.
Humulene smells like earthy hops, with a woody and spicy flavor. It is commonly found in basil, coriander, and hops. Humulene can help with pain management.
Caryophyllene smells and tastes like black pepper, which it is commonly found in, and musk. Caryophyllene acts as an aid for pain, sleep troubles, and anxiety, and also helps provide relief to those suffering from neurological disorders.
Limonene is the second-most common terpene in nature and is abundant in citrus. The aroma and flavor is that of citrus fruit. This is a powerful terpene that can assist in depression with its uplifting and mood-enhancing qualities. Many studies confirm that limonene can also assist with anxiety and is an incredible antioxidant.
Humulene smells like earthy hops, with a woody and spicy flavor. It is commonly found in basil, coriander, and hops. Humulene can help with pain management.
Caryophyllene smells and tastes like black pepper, which it is commonly found in, and musk. Caryophyllene acts as an aid for pain, sleep troubles, and anxiety, and also helps provide relief to those suffering from neurological disorders.
Top terpenes
Top terpenes

Humulene smells like earthy hops, with a woody and spicy flavor. It is commonly found in basil, coriander, and hops. Humulene can help with pain management.

Limonene is the second-most common terpene in nature and is abundant in citrus. The aroma and flavor is that of citrus fruit. This is a powerful terpene that can assist in depression with its uplifting and mood-enhancing qualities. Many studies confirm that limonene can also assist with anxiety and is an incredible antioxidant.

Caryophyllene smells and tastes like black pepper, which it is commonly found in, and musk. Caryophyllene acts as an aid for pain, sleep troubles, and anxiety, and also helps provide relief to those suffering from neurological disorders.
Limonene is the second-most common terpene in nature and is abundant in citrus. The aroma and flavor is that of citrus fruit. This is a powerful terpene that can assist in depression with its uplifting and mood-enhancing qualities. Many studies confirm that limonene can also assist with anxiety and is an incredible antioxidant.
Humulene smells like earthy hops, with a woody and spicy flavor. It is commonly found in basil, coriander, and hops. Humulene can help with pain management.
Caryophyllene smells and tastes like black pepper, which it is commonly found in, and musk. Caryophyllene acts as an aid for pain, sleep troubles, and anxiety, and also helps provide relief to those suffering from neurological disorders.
Limonene is the second-most common terpene in nature and is abundant in citrus. The aroma and flavor is that of citrus fruit. This is a powerful terpene that can assist in depression with its uplifting and mood-enhancing qualities. Many studies confirm that limonene can also assist with anxiety and is an incredible antioxidant.
Humulene smells like earthy hops, with a woody and spicy flavor. It is commonly found in basil, coriander, and hops. Humulene can help with pain management.
Caryophyllene smells and tastes like black pepper, which it is commonly found in, and musk. Caryophyllene acts as an aid for pain, sleep troubles, and anxiety, and also helps provide relief to those suffering from neurological disorders.
Limonene is the second-most common terpene in nature and is abundant in citrus. The aroma and flavor is that of citrus fruit. This is a powerful terpene that can assist in depression with its uplifting and mood-enhancing qualities. Many studies confirm that limonene can also assist with anxiety and is an incredible antioxidant.
Humulene smells like earthy hops, with a woody and spicy flavor. It is commonly found in basil, coriander, and hops. Humulene can help with pain management.
Caryophyllene smells and tastes like black pepper, which it is commonly found in, and musk. Caryophyllene acts as an aid for pain, sleep troubles, and anxiety, and also helps provide relief to those suffering from neurological disorders.
Limonene is the second-most common terpene in nature and is abundant in citrus. The aroma and flavor is that of citrus fruit. This is a powerful terpene that can assist in depression with its uplifting and mood-enhancing qualities. Many studies confirm that limonene can also assist with anxiety and is an incredible antioxidant.
Humulene smells like earthy hops, with a woody and spicy flavor. It is commonly found in basil, coriander, and hops. Humulene can help with pain management.
Caryophyllene smells and tastes like black pepper, which it is commonly found in, and musk. Caryophyllene acts as an aid for pain, sleep troubles, and anxiety, and also helps provide relief to those suffering from neurological disorders.