Product Release Notes
Jane Boost automations for partner sites on Wix
More support for SEO-enhanced menus on Wix websites is now available as a self-serve menu creation option for partners.
Jane Boost import button in Business Dashboard
Partners can add their website link in the Business Dashboard to import their site theme and style into their Jane Boost SEO-enhanced menu pages.
Jane Boost menu style auto-import
For partners who have imported their site theme to style their menu pages, there is now an option to toggle a daily check for any style or theme updates on the site to apply to their Jane Boost menu pages.
Jane Gold segmented deal follow-ups
Brands can now target new and lapsed customers for Jane Gold deals based on unique user identifiers.
Kiosk deals with $ off will now show up correctly rather than % off.
Bank account linking screen will no longer show up too low on mobile.
URLS with UTMs will now persist on Jane Boost menus for analytics.
Customer check-in
A redesigned customer check-in flow has been released to drive efficiencies with consolidated workflows – allowing partners to easily look up existing customers, quickly create new customers, and scan IDs to automatically populate required fields.
Delivery destination taxes
For regions with specific taxes, dynamic taxes are now supported for any address. This allows for more precise and compliant taxation in states where this is needed for compliance.
Customer name will now update in the bag and queue if the customer information was updated through the new customer detail dialog.
Duplicate profiles will no longer be created in the queue when a customer who was checked in as guest later decides to have a profile created.
The higher/better reward will now override the lesser discount.
A feature has been added to remove the customer from the queue after the sale is completed rather than when the customer is added to the bag.
Support has been added to prohibit ID scanning if using read-only mode.
Support has been added to flag expired medical IDs in the new queue for existing medical customers.
Loyalty rewards will now show as updated after a manager reward is applied.